
CUI.dom has functions to manage our dom elements., key, value)

  • node HTMLElement
  • key String | PlainObject
  • value Object

It sets a value inside the node referenced by the key, and returns the node

If value is undefined, it gets the value referenced by the key in the node.

If key is undefined, it gets an Object with all the values in the node

If key is an Object, is called once for each key-value inside the object.

Examples, "id", "idValue")
> <div>​</div>​, "id")
> "idValue", {keyOne: "valueOne", keyTwo: "valueTwo"})
> <div></div>​
> {id: "myId", keyOne: "valueOne", keyTwo: "valueTwo"}

CUI.dom.removeData(node, key) : Object

  • node HTMLElement
  • key String

It removes the value referenced by the key inside the data of node and returns the node

Example, "id")
> "myId"

CUI.dom.removeData(div, "id")
> <div>​</div>​, "id")
> undefined

CUI.dom.findElements(node, selector, nodeFilter, maxEls, forward, siblingOnly, elements) : [HTMLElement]

  • node HTMLElement (default value: document.documentElement)
  • selector String (default value: null)
  • nodeFilter Function (default value: false)
    • It receives node as parameter and returns a Boolean. node will be ignored in the output if it returns false
  • maxEls Number (default value: null)
    • Maximum quantity of elements as output
  • forward Boolean (default value: true)
    • If true the search will be performed in the node and its next siblings.
    • If false the search will be performed in the node and its previous siblings
    • Also it indicates what order of children nodes will be in the output.
  • siblingOnly Boolean (default value: false)
    • Flag to indicate that only siblings will be in the output and children nodes will be ignored.
  • elements Array of HTMLElement (default value: [ ])
    • Output array.

It gets all the elements inside the node (siblings and children) matched by the selector



    <div class="sibling previous-sibling">
        <div class="child child-previous-sibling"></div>

    <div id="div">
        <div class="child first-element">
            <div class="child child-first-element"></div>
        <div class="child second-element"></div>
        <div class="child last-element"></div>
        <div class="child child-last-element"></div>

    <div class="sibling next-sibling">
        <div class="child child-next-sibling"></div>    


CUI.dom.findElements(div, ".child")
> (6) [div.child.first-element, div.child.child-first-element, 
       div.child.second-element, div.child.last-element, 
       div.child.child-last-element, div.child.child-next-sibling]

CUI.dom.findElements(div, ".child", false, 2)
> (2) [div.child.first-element, div.child.child-first-element]

CUI.dom.findElements(div, ".child", false, 10, false)
> (6) [div.child.last-element, div.child.child-last-element, 
     div.child.second-element, div.child.first-element, 
     div.child.child-first-element, div.child.child-previous-sibling]

CUI.dom.findElements(div, ".child", false, 10, true, true)
> []

CUI.dom.findElement(node, selector, nodeFilter, forward, siblingOnly) : HTMLElement

It uses CUI.dom.findElements function and returns the first element found. It returns null if no element was found.


CUI.dom.findElement(div, ".child")
> <div class=​"child first-element">​</div>​

CUI.dom.findElement(div, ".no-exist")
> null

CUI.dom.findNextElement(node, selector, nodeFilter, forward, siblingOnly) : HTMLElement

It uses CUI.dom.findElement function and returns the first element found. The difference between CUI.dom.findElement and this function is that this function also searches for the element inside his parent's siblings and so on.


CUI.dom.findNextElement(div, ".sibling", false, false)
> <div class=​"sibling previous-sibling">​…​</div>​

CUI.dom.findNextElement(div, ".sibling", false, true)
> <div class="sibling next-sibling">…</div>​

CUI.dom.findPreviousElement(node, selector, nodeFilter) : HTMLElement

It uses CUI.dom.findNextElement with the forward parameter with false as value.


CUI.dom.findPreviousElement(div, ".sibling")
> <div class="sibling previous-sibling">…</div>​

CUI.dom.findNextVisibleElement(node, selector, forward) : HTMLElement

It uses CUI.dom.findNextElement with a function as parameter to filter the output node. This node has to be visible.

CUI.dom.findPreviousVisibleElement(node, selector : HTMLElement

It uses CUI.dom.findNextVisibleElement with the forward parameter with false as value

CUI.dom.findNextSiblings(node, selector, nodeFilter) : [HTMLElement]

It uses CUI.dom.findElements with the forward parameter with true as value and the siblingOnly parameter with true as value

CUI.dom.findPreviousSiblings(node, selector, nodeFilter) : [HTMLElement]

It uses CUI.dom.findElements with the forward parameter with false as value and the siblingOnly parameter with true as value

CUI.dom.children(node, filter) : [HTMLElement]

  • node HTMLElement
  • filter HTMLElement | Function | String

It returns an array with all children of node

If filter is a String, it should be a selector.

If filter is a Function, it should receive node as parameter and returns a Boolean


<div id="div">
    <span class="child"></span>
    <div class="child noFilter"></div>

> (2) [span.child, div.child]

CUI.dom.children(div, ".noFilter")
> [div.child.noFilter]

filterFunction = (node) -> CUI.dom.hasClass(node, "noFilter")
CUI.dom.children(div, filterFunction)
> [div.child.noFilter]

CUI.dom.children(div, div.firstElementChild)
> [span.child]

CUI.dom.firstElementChild(node, selector) : HTMLElement

  • node HTMLElement
  • selector HTMLElement | Function | String | null

It gets the first child of node that returns true to invocation with node and selector as parameters.

The iteration will be from first child to last child.

Returns the first child if selector is null. Returns null if no child were found.

CUI.dom.lastElementChild(node, selector) : HTMLElement

  • node HTMLElement
  • selector HTMLElement | Function | String | null

It gets the first child of node that returns true to invocation with node and selector as parameters.

The iteration will be from last child to first child.

Returns the last child if selector is null. Returns null if no child were found.

CUI.dom.nextElementSibling(node, selector) : HTMLElement

  • node HTMLElement
  • selector HTMLElement | Function | String | null

It gets the first next sibling of node that returns true to invocation with node and selector as parameters.

Returns null if no sibling were found.

CUI.dom.previousElementSibling(node, selector) : HTMLElement

  • node HTMLElement
  • selector HTMLElement | Function | String | null

It gets the first previous sibling of node that returns true to invocation with node and selector as parameters.

Returns null if no sibling were found.

CUI.dom.setAttribute(node, key, value)

  • node HTMLElement
  • key String
  • value String | Boolean

It sets an attribute called key in the node with value and returns the node

If value is null or false it removes the value inside the key attribute.

If value is true, the value inside the key attribute will be key


CUI.dom.setAttribute(div, "id", "idValue")
> <div id=​"idValue">​</div>​

CUI.dom.setAttribute(div, "enabled", true)
> <div id=​"idValue" enabled=​"enabled">​</div>​

CUI.dom.setAttribute(div, "enabled", false)
> <div id=​"idValue">​</div>​

CUI.dom.removeAttribute(node, key)

  • node HTMLElement
  • key String

It removes the attribute key in the node and returns the node


CUI.dom.setAttribute(div, "id", "idValue")
> <div id=​"idValue">​</div>​

CUI.dom.removeAttribute(div, "id")
> <div>​</div>​

CUI.dom.getAttribute(node, key) : String | Number | PlainObject

  • node HTMLElement
  • key String

It returns the value stored inside key attribute of node

CUI.dom.setAttribute(div, "id", "idValue")
> <div id=​"idValue">​</div>​

CUI.dom.getAttribute(div, "id")
> "idValue"

CUI.dom.hasAttribute(node, key) : Boolean

Returns false or true if node has an attribute called key

CUI.dom.setAttribute(div, "id", "idValue")
> <div id=​"idValue">​</div>​

CUI.dom.hasAttribute(div, "id")
> true
CUI.dom.hasAttribute(div, "no-exists")
> false

CUI.dom.setAttributeMap(node, map)

  • node HTMLElement
  • map PlainObject
    • key String
    • value String | Boolean

It invokes CUI.dom.setAttribute once for each key-value inside map

CUI.dom.width(element, value) : Number

  • element HTMLElement| window | document
  • value Number

It sets the width of the element with value or it returns the width of element if value is not passed as argument.

If element is window or document it returns the width of the window. It's necessary not to pass value as argument in this case.


CUI.dom.width(div, 10)
> {width: 10}
> 10
> <div id=​"div" style=​"width:​ 10px;​">​</div>​

> 1100

CUI.dom.height(element, value) : Number

  • element HTMLElement| window | document
  • value Number

It sets the height of the element with value or it returns the height of element if value is not passed as argument.

If element is window or document it returns the height of the window. It's necessary not to pass value as argument in this case.


CUI.dom.height(div, 10)
> {height: 10}
> 10
> <div id=​"div" style=​"height:​ 10px;​">​</div>​

> 800

CUI.dom.replace(node, content) : HTMLElement

  • node HTMLElement
  • content HTMLElement | String

It removes the current content inside node and appends the content in the node


> <div id="div">

CUI.dom.replace(div, span)
> <div id="div">

CUI.dom.append(node, content) : HTMLElement

  • node HTMLElement
  • content HTMLElement | Node | Number | Boolean | String | HTMLCollection | NodeList

It is a extended version of HTML DOM appendChild(). It accepts different types of content which will be appended in the node.


> <div>
    <span class="existing-span"></span>
CUI.dom.append(div, span)
> <div>
    <span class="existing-span"></span>

> (3) [span, span, span]
CUI.dom.append(div, spans)
> <div>

> (2) ["Hello", "World"]
CUI.dom.append(div, texts)
> <div>

> (2) [text, text]
CUI.dom.append(div, nodes)
> <div>

CUI.dom.prepend(node, content) : HTMLElement

  • node HTMLElement
  • content HTMLElement | Node | Number | Boolean | String | HTMLCollection | NodeList

It is a extended version of HTML DOM insertBefore(). It accepts different types of content which will be inserted before the node.


> <div>
    <span class="existing-span"></span>
CUI.dom.prepend(div, span)
> <div>
    <span class="existing-span"></span>

See CUI.dom.append examples, are very similar

CUI.dom.remove(element) : HTMLElement

  • element HTMLElement

It removes the element and returns it.


> <div>
> <span></span>​
> <div></div>​

CUI.dom.empty(element) : HTMLElement

  • element HTMLElement

It removes all child elements inside the element and returns element

> <div>
> <div></div>​

CUI.dom.hasClass(element, class) : Boolean

  • element HTMLElement
  • class String

It returns a Boolean depending if the class is present in the classList of the element. By sending a String with the classes separated by spaces, it returns true if any of those classes is present.


> <div class=​"a-class"></div>​

CUI.dom.hasClass(div, "a-class")
> true

CUI.dom.hasClass(div, "b-class")
> false

CUI.dom.hasClass(div, "a-class b-class")
> true

CUI.dom.addClass(element, class) : HTMLElement

  • element HTMLElement
  • class String

It adds the class to the classList of the element. It is possible to add a list of classes, by sending a String with the classes separated by spaces.


CUI.dom.addClass(div, "a-class")
> <div class=​a-class"></div>​

CUI.dom.addClass(div, "b-class c-class")
> <div class="a-class b-class c-class"></div>​

CUI.dom.removeClass(element, class)

  • element HTMLElement
  • class String

It removes the class from the classList of the element. It is possible to remove a list of classes, by sending a String with the classes separated by spaces.


> <div class="a-class b-class c-class d-class"></div>​

CUI.dom.removeClass(div, "a-class")
> <div class="b-class c-class d-class"></div>​

CUI.dom.removeClass(div, "b-class c-class")
> <div class="d-class"></div>​

CUI.dom.setClass(element, class, on_off) : Boolean

  • element HTMLElement
  • class String
  • on_off Boolean

It adds or removes a class of the classList of the element depending the on_off argument.

If on_off argument is true, it adds the class

If on_off argument is false, it removes the class


> <div class=​"a-class b-class">​</div>​

CUI.dom.setClass(div, "c-class", true)
> true
> <div class=​"a-class b-class c-class">​</div>​

CUI.dom.setClass(div, "c-class", false)
> false
> <div class=​"a-class b-class">​</div>​

CUI.dom.toggleClass(element, cls) : Boolean

  • element HTMLElement
  • class String

It adds or removes a class of the classList of the element depending in its current presence.


> <div class=​"a-class"></div>​

CUI.dom.toggleClass(div, "b-class")
> true
> <div class=​"a-class b-class">​</div>​

CUI.dom.toggleClass(div, "b-class")
> false
> <div class=​"a-class">​</div>​

CUI.dom.setAria(element, key, value) : [HTMLElement]

  • element HTMLElement
  • key String
  • value String | Boolean

It invokes CUI.dom.setAttribute appending the string "aria-" to the key. Returns element


CUI.dom.setAria(div, "attributekey", "attributeValue")
> <div aria-attributekey=​"attributeValue">​</div>​  

CUI.dom.getRelativeOffset(element, untilElement, ignore_margin) : {parent: [HTMLElement], top: [Number], left: [Number]}

  • element HTMLElement
  • untilElement HTMLElement (default value: null)
  • ignore_margin Boolean (default value: false)

It returns the relative offset of the element until the untilElement.

If untilElement is null, the offset will be until the body.

If ignore_margin is true, the offset will includes the margin of the element.


<div id="parent">
    <div id="child" style="height: 20px;"></div>
    <div id="child_parent" style="padding-top:10px;">
        <p style="margin-top:5px;">Hello world</p>
> {parent: body, top: 30, left: 0}

CUI.dom.getRelativeOffset(p, parent)
> {parent: div#parent, top: 30, left: 0}

CUI.dom.getRelativeOffset(p, child_parent)
> {parent: div#child_parent, top: 10, left: 0}

CUI.dom.getRelativeOffset(p, child_parent, true)
> {parent: div#child_parent, top: 15, left: 0}

CUI.dom.getRelativePosition(element) : {top: [Number], left: [Number]}

  • element HTMLElement

It returns the relative position of the element


<div style="margin-left: 50px; margin-top: 100px;">
    <p style="margin-top:50px;">Hello world</p>
> {top: 150, left: 50}

CUI.dom.setAbsolutePosition(element, offset) : HTMLElement

  • element HTMLElement
  • offset Object
    • left Number
    • top Number

It sets the absolute position of the element with offset.left and values. Returns element


<div style="position: absolute;">
    <span style="position: relative;">Hello world</span>
CUI.dom.setAbsolutePosition(div, {top: 10, left: 10})
> <div style="position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px;">
      <span style="position: relative;">Hello world</span>

CUI.dom.setAbsolutePosition(span, {top: 50, left: 30})
> <span style="position: relative; top: 40px; left: 20px;">Hello world</span>

CUI.dom.getNode(node) : HTMLElement

  • node Object | HTMLElement

It returns the attribute DOM of node if it exists and node is not window, otherwise returns node.

CUI.dom.isNode(node) : Boolean

  • node Object | HTMLElement

It returns true if node is one of the following: document.documentElement | document | window or if node has the attribute nodeType | DOM, otherwise returns false

CUI.dom.waitForDOMRemove(options) : CUI.Promise

  • options Object
    • node Object | HTMLElement (Checked with CUI.dom.isNode)
    • ms Number (default 200)

It returns a promise, which will be resolved when node was removed from the DOM tree. Parameter ms is the quantity of milliseconds to be waited until repeat the recursive function to check if the element was removed.

CUI.dom.waitForDOMInsert(options) : CUI.Promise

  • options Object
    • node Object | HTMLElement (Checked with CUI.dom.isNode)

It returns a promise, which will be resolved when node was inserted in the DOM tree.

CUI.dom.insertChildAtPosition(node, nodeInsert, position)

  • node Object | HTMLElement
  • nodeInsert Object | HTMLElement
  • position Number

Inserts nodeInsert as a child of node in the position.


<div class="node">
    <div class="child-1"></div>
    <div class="child-2"></div>
    <div class="child-3"></div>

> <div class="child-new"></div>​

CUI.dom.insertChildAtPosition(div, newDiv, 2)

<div class="node">
    <div class="child-1"></div>
    <div class="child-2"></div>
    <div class="child-new"></div>
    <div class="child-3"></div>

CUI.dom.insertBefore(node, nodeBefore)

  • node Object | HTMLElement
  • nodeBefore Object | HTMLElement

Inserts nodeBefore before node


<div class="node">
    <div class="child-1"></div>
    <div class="child-2"></div>
    <div class="child-3"></div>

CUI.dom.insertBefore(divChild2, newDiv)

<div class="node">
    <div class="child-1"></div>
    <div class="child-new"></div>
    <div class="child-2"></div>
    <div class="child-3"></div>

CUI.dom.insertAfter(node, nodeAfter)

  • node Object | HTMLElement
  • nodeAfter Object | HTMLElement

Inserts nodeAfter after node


<div class="node">
    <div class="child-1"></div>
    <div class="child-2"></div>
    <div class="child-3"></div>

CUI.dom.insertAfter(divChild2, newDiv)

<div class="node">
    <div class="child-1"></div>
    <div class="child-2"></div>
    <div class="child-new"></div>
    <div class="child-3"></div>

CUI.dom.matches(node, selector) : Boolean

  • node HTMLElement
  • selector String

Returns true if node matches with selector, otherwise returns false, selector) : Boolean

  • node HTMLElement
  • selector HTMLElement | Function | String

Evaluates node depending of selector type. If selector is:

  • HTMLElement: Returns true if node is equals to selector
  • Function: Returns the result of invoke selector function with node as parameter.
  • String: Returns the result of invoke the function CUI.dom.matches with node and selector as parameters.

Returns false if node is not a HTMLElement


aFunction: (node) -> return true

> <div class="node"></div>, aFunction)
> true, div)
> true, anotherDiv)
> false, ".node")
> true, ".anotherClass")
> false

CUI.dom.matchSelector(element, selector, trySelf) : [Node]

  • element HTMLElement | document
  • selector String
  • trySelf Boolean (default false)

Returns an array of all the children elements of element which matches with selector. If trySelf is true, it will check if element matches as well.


<div class="node">
    <div class="child-1"></div>
    <div class="child-2"></div>
    <div class="child-find"></div>
    <div class="child-3"></div>

CUI.dom.matchSelector(div, ".child-find")
> [div.child-find]

CUI.dom.matchSelector(div, ".node", false)
> []

CUI.dom.matchSelector(div, ".node", true)
> [div.node]

CUI.dom.find(selector) : [Node]

  • selector String

Invokes CUI.dom.matchSelector with document.documentElement as element parameter.

CUI.dom.elementsUntil(element, selector, untilElement) : [Node]

  • element Node | window
  • selector String
  • untilElement Node | window

Returns an array of elements collected starting from element until matches selector. The collection is upwards, and ends at untilElement.


> <div class="node">
    <div class="parent-3">
        <div class="child-3"></div>

CUI.dom.elementsUntil(divChild3, ".parent-3", divNode)
> (2) [div.child-3, div.parent-3]

CUI.dom.elementsUntil(divChild3, ".child-3", divNode)
> [div.child-3]

CUI.dom.elementsUntil(divChild3, ".node", divNode)
> (3) [div.child-3, div.parent-3, div.node]

CUI.dom.elementsUntil(divParent3, ".node", divNode)
> (2) [div.parent-3, div.node]

CUI.dom.parent(element) : HTMLElement

  • element HTMLElement | document | window

Returns parent's node of element.

If element is document, returns window

If element is window, returns null


> <div class="parent">
      <div class="child"></div>

CUI.dom.closest(element, selector) : Node

  • element Node | window
  • selector String

Returns the first node which matches the selector, starting from element. As CUI.dom.elementsUntil, it goes upwards, and ends at window.

CUI.dom.closestUntil(element, selector, untilElement) : Node

  • element Node | window
  • selector String
  • untilElement Node | window

It does the same as CUI.dom.closest, with the difference that it ends at untilElement instead of window.

CUI.dom.parentsUntil(element, selector, untilElement) : [Node]

  • element Node | window
  • selector String
  • untilElement Node | window

It invokes CUI.dom.elementsUntil using parent's node of element as first parameter.

CUI.dom.parents(element, selector, untilElement) : [Node]

  • element Node | window
  • selector String
  • untilElement Node | window

Returns an array of nodes that are the parents of element which matches with selector, until reach untilElement. The parameter selector can be null.

CUI.dom.isInDom(element) : Boolean

  • element Node

Returns true if element is in the DOM tree, otherwise false.

CUI.dom.replaceWith(node, newNode) : Node

  • node Node
  • newNode Node | NodeList

Replaces node with newNode. It returns the node replaced.


<div class="container">
    <div class="node"></div>

CUI.dom.replaceWith(divNode, divNewNode)
> <div class="node"></div>

<div class="container">
    <div class="newNode"></div>

CUI.dom.getRect(element) : DOMRect

  • element HTMLElement

Invokes native function getBoundingClientRect()


> DOMRect {x: 10, y: 10, width: 100, height: 100, top: 0, …}

CUI.dom.getComputedStyle(element) : CSSStyleDeclaration

  • element HTMLElement

Invokes native function getComputedStyle


> CSSStyleDeclaration {alignContent: "", alignItems: "", alignSelf: "", alignmentBaseline: "", all: "", …}

CUI.dom.setStyle(element, style, append) : HTMLElement

  • element HTMLElement
  • style PlainObject
    • styleName String
    • styleValue String | Number
  • append String (optional, default "px")

It sets style styleName to the element with value styleValue for all keys in style. If styleValue is a Number, append will be appended to styleValue.


style = 
  width: 100,
  display: "inline"

CUI.dom.setStyle(div, style)
> <div style="width: 100px; display: inline;"></div>

CUI.dom.setStyleOne(element, styleName, styleValue) : HTMLElement

  • element HTMLElement
  • styleName String
  • styleValue String | Number

It sets style styleName to the element with value styleValue


CUI.dom.setStyleOne(div, "height", 100)
> <div style="height: 100px;"></div>

CUI.dom.getDimensions(element) : PlainObject

  • element HTMLElement

It returns a very big object with dimensions related attributes. It has 89 keys to be exactly.


> {computedStyle: CSSStyleDeclaration, clientBoundingRect: DOMRect, marginTop: 0, marginRight: 0, marginBottom: 0, …}

CUI.dom.getDimension(element, key)

  • element HTMLElement
  • key String

It returns the value of the attribute key inside the object returned by CUI.dom.getDimensions.

CUI.dom.setDimensions(element, dimensions) : PlainObject

  • element HTMLElement
  • dimensions PlainObject
    • dimensionKey String
    • dimensionValue Number

Sets the style of element for different type of dimensions.

Available dimensions: "width", "height", "left", "top", "contentBoxWidth", "contentBoxHeight", "borderBoxWidth", "borderBoxHeight", "marginBoxWidth", "marginBoxHeight"

It's not possible to use two or more Height or Width types.


CUI.dom.setDimensions(div, {height: 100, width: 100})
> {width: 100, height: 100}
> <div style="width: 100px; height: 100px;"></div>

> <div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; padding-top: 100px; padding-right: 150px;"></div> 
CUI.dom.setDimensions(div, {contentBoxHeight: 100, contentBoxWidth: 100})
> {width: 250, height: 200}
> <div style="width: 250px; height: 200px; padding-top: 100px; padding-right: 150px;"></div>

CUI.dom.setDimensions(div, {contentBoxHeight: 100, height: 100})
> Uncaught Error: CUI.dom.setDimensions(docElem,dim): Unable to set contradicting values for height.

CUI.dom.setDimension(element, dimensionKey, dimensionValue) : PlainObject

  • element HTMLElement
  • dimensionKey String
  • dimensionValue Number

It's an extension of CUI.dom.setDimensions to set only one dimension.

CUI.dom.parentsScrollable(element) : [HTMLElement]

  • element HTMLElement

It returns all parents of element that can have a scroll bar.

CUI.dom.htmlToNodes(html) : [Node]

  • html String

It returns a node array, generated by html string.


nodes = CUI.dom.htmlToNodes("<div><h1>Hello!</h1></div><div><h2>Welcome!</h2></div>")
> (2) [div, div]

> <div>

> <div>

CUI.dom.findTextInNodes(nodes, callback, texts) : [String]

  • nodes [Node]
  • callback Function (optional)
  • texts [String] (optional, default [])

It returns a String array of texts which were found in text nodes inside nodes array and its children. It's recursive until reach last children. The parameter callback is a function invoked for each text node found, with two parameters: textNodeFound and textContent of that node.


    <span>Text node 1</span>
            <h1>Text node 2</h1>
        <div>Text node 3</div>

> (3) ["Text node 1", "Text node 2", "Text node 3"]

callback = (textNode, textContent) => 
    console.log("TextNode:", textNode, " - TextContent:", textContent)

CUI.dom.findTextInNodes([div], callback)
> TextNode: "Text node 1"  - TextContent: Text node 1
> TextNode: "Text node 2"  - TextContent: Text node 2
> TextNode: "Text node 3"  - TextContent: Text node 3
> (3) ["Text node 1", "Text node 2", "Text node 3"]

CUI.dom.getCSSFloatValue(value) : Number

  • value String

It converts value into a Number, and value must have "px" at the end of the string.


> 20

> 0

CUI.dom.isPositioned(element) : Boolean

  • element HTMLElement

It returns true if element has the style position already set and it's one of these: "relative", "absolute", "fixed" Also, it returns true if element is document.body or document.documentElement.


> false

CUI.dom.setStyleOne(div, "position", "relative")
> <div style="position: relative;"></div>
> true

> true

CUI.dom.isVisible(element) : Boolean

  • element HTMLElement

It returns true if element is visible. It's done by checking visibility or display styles.


> true

CUI.dom.setStyleOne(div, "display", "none")
> <div style="display:none;"></div>

> false

CUI.dom.getBoxSizing(element) : String

  • element HTMLElement

It returns the style attribute boxSizing of element.


> "border-box"

CUI.dom.isBorderBox(element) : Boolean

  • element HTMLElement

It returns true if boxSizing style attribute is "border-box"


> "border-box"

> true

CUI.dom.isContentBox(element) : Boolean

  • element HTMLElement

It returns true if boxSizing style attribute is "content-box"


> "border-box"

> false

CUI.dom.hideElement(element) : HTMLElement

  • element HTMLElement

It hides element setting its display style attribute to "none". It returns element


> true
> <div style="display: none;"></div>
> false

CUI.dom.showElement(element) : HTMLElement

  • element HTMLElement

It hides element setting its display style attribute to "". It returns element


> false
> <div style="display: none;"></div>
> true

CUI.dom.removeChildren(element, filter) : HTMLElement

  • element HTMLElement
  • filter HTMLElement | Function | String

It removes all children of element using filter as condition. Refer CUI.dom.children for more detail about filter. It returns element


<div id="div">
    <span class="child"></span>
    <div class="child noFilter"></div>

CUI.dom.removeChildren(div, ".noFilter")
> <div id="div">
    <span class="child"></span>
  </div> : HTMLElement

  • style String (default null)

It creates and returns a new element which is a div with a specific class, and it is used to create empty spaces between elements. The parameter style defines what type of space will be created. Available style values: "small", "large", "flexible" and null

> <div class="cui-space"></div>"small")
> <div class="cui-small-space"></div>"large")
> <div class="cui-large-space"></div>"flexible")
> <div class="cui-flexible-space"></div>

CUI.dom.scrollIntoView(element) : HTMLElement

This function is similar to scrollIntoView native function, but it has improvements. It returns element


  • options Object
    • element HTMLElement
    • class String
    • ms Number > 0 (default 3000)
    • delayRemove Function (optional)

It adds a class to the element when the mouse is hovering over it. As well after ms milliseconds passed of mouse hovering, delayRemove is triggered. Also delayRemove is triggered once when the mouse is no longer hovering over the element.

CUI.dom.requestFullscreen(element) : CUI.Promise

  • element HTMLElement | CUI.DOMElement

It requests a fullscreen for the element via using the native function of the browser. The difference between using this method and the native function is that this method will use one of these native functions available in the browser: requestFullscreen, webkitRequestFullscreen, mozRequestFullScreen and msRequestFullscreen. It returns a promise and it's fulfilled when fullscreen is activated.

CUI.dom.exitFullscreen() : CUI.Promise

It closes fullscreen if it's enabled. It returns a promise and it's fulfilled when fullscreen is closed.

CUI.dom.isFullscreen() : Boolean

It returns true if fullscreen is activated.

CUI.dom.fullscreenEnabled() : Boolean

It returns true if fullscreen is enabled.

CUI.dom.fullscreenElement() : HTMLElement

It returns fullscreen element or undefined if fullscreen is not activated.

CUI.dom.element(tagName, attributes) : HTMLElement

  • tagName String
  • attributes PlainObject
    • key String
    • value String | Boolean

It creates and returns a new tagName element, it also invokes CUI.dom.setAttributeMap with the new element and attributes as parameters.


> <div></div>

attributes = 
    id: "myDiv" 
    enable: true

CUI.dom.element("div", attributes)
> <div id="myDiv" enable="enable"></div>

> <h1></h1>

CUI.dom.$element(tagName, className, attributes, noTables) : HTMLElement

  • tagName String
  • className String (optional)
  • attributes PlainObject (default: {})
    • key String
    • value String | Boolean
  • noTables Boolean (default: false)

It invokes CUI.dom.element to create a new element, but before that it sets the attribute class with className value if it's defined. Also, if noTables is true, it adds a new class called "cui-tagName"


attributes = 
    id: "myDiv" 
    enable: true

CUI.dom.$element("div", "newClass", attributes)
> <div id="myDiv" enable="enable" class="newClass"></div>

CUI.dom.$element("div", "newClass", attributes, true)
> <div id="myDiv" enable="enable" class="cui-div newClass"></div>

If it's necessary to create elements, it's recommendable to use the following methods instead of this method.

These methods are wrappers of CUI.dom.$element for create common elements.

  • CUI.dom.div(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  •, attributes) : HTMLElement
  •, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.source(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.span(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.table(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.img(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  •, attributes) : HTMLElement
  •, attributes) : HTMLElement
  •, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.i(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.p(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.pre(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.ul(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.a(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.b(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  •, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.label(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.h1(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.h2(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.h3(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.h4(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.h5(className, attributes) : HTMLElement
  • CUI.dom.h6(className, attributes) : HTMLElement


attributes = 
    id: "myDiv" 
    enable: true

CUI.dom.div("aClass", attributes)
> <div id="myDiv" enable="enable" class="aClass"></div>

> <h1 class="title"></h1>

> <span></span>

CUI.dom.text(text, className, attributes) : HTMLElement

  • text String
  • className String
  • attributes PlainObject
    • key String
    • value String | Boolean

It invokes CUI.dom.span to create a new span element using className and attributes as parameters. Afterwards it sets the value text into textContent of the new element.


CUI.dom.text("This is the content of the span", "newClass")
> <span class="newClass">This is the content of the span</span>


  • text String

It invokes CUI.dom.span to create a new span element using "italic" as className parameter. Afterwards it sets the value text into textContent of the new element.


CUI.dom.textEmpty("This is the content of the span")
> <span class="italic">This is the content of the span</span>





CUI.dom.initAnimatedClone(node, selector)



Note: All the examples above were made in the browser's console.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""