

This global function is used to trigger an CUI.Event. The Event is created using CUI.Event.require, see the Options below.

Returns a CUI.Promise, which resolves when all of the CUI.Listeners are done, and rejects if the first of the CUI.Listener is rejected.

If Listeners don't return Promises, the Listener is assumed to have resolved.


This global function is used to register a CUI.Listener. The Listener is created using CUI.Listener.require.

The newly created Listener is returned.

Each Listener is linked to the DOM node it listens on. An attribute [data-cui-listener] is set on the node. Be careful to attached Listeners to document.documentElement (the default), this is a great source for memory leaks, as the garbage collector cannot remove those, if they are no longer needed by your application. Listeners attached to document or window, are kept in a separate list in Events.__listeners.

ignore(filter, node)

Start at node and look for registered Listeners which match the given filter. See CUI.Listener for details.


Wait for an event to happen on a node. This returns a CUI.Promise. If the event does not happen before a timeout, the Promise is resolved, too.


The Event type to wait for.


The node to listen for the event on.


The timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to CUI.defaults.class.Events.defaults.maxWait, which defaults to 1500.

    type: "transitioned"
    node: my_done
.done =>
    # transition is done


Destroys the given listener. Its better to use Events.ignore, though.


Dumps all active Listeners.


Dump all active Listeners on top level (window, document & document.documentElement).


Returns true if the event of type is known.


Returns the default option for the given registered event type type.


Return an Array of type aliases for the given event type type


Registers default options for an event. Besides the options for CUI.Event, *eventClass can be set to create the event using another function than CUI.Event to create the event.

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