new CUI.Template(Options)
CUI has built-in support for Templates. Templates are preloaded HTML snippets which can be instantiated and later filled with content.
The name of the CUI.Template. This is required. The Template is found by the DOM attribute data-template or the class name cui-tmpl-
The Template HTML needs to be loaded before new CUI.Template ins called.
The map_prefix is a string which prefixes the class names search for by the slot-map.
The map is a PlainObject to register template slots. A slot has a name. Most methods of CUI.Template can use that name to append content to, replace content to, or empty a template slot.
slot1: true
slot2: true
slot3: ".my-slot-class3"
The key of the PlainObject is the name of the slot, the value is either true or a CSS selector. If it is set to true a DOM element with the attribute [data-slot] set to the slot name is searched for. If it set to an CSS selector, that selector is used to find the slot element.
This is how the corresponding template for the above map could look like. Notice that the slots are all empty. This is not a requirement but recommended best practice.
<div data-template="mytemplate">
<div data-slot="slot1"></div>
<div data-slot="slot2"></div>
<div class="my-slot-class3"></div>
If set to true (default), the Template maintains a class cui-template-empty on the top level node. This is useful to hide empty content Templates.
An optional String to append class names to the top level template node.
Template HTML can contain flex handles. Flex handles are DIVs which allow are a user draggable separator between Layout DIVs.
All flex handles are automatically initialized if this option is set to true.
<div data-cui-flex-handle="pane: .cui-horizontal-layout-left;
name: left; direction: horizontal;"></div>
The attribute [data-cui-flex-handle] is used to initialize a CUI.FlexHandle using CUI.Element.readOptsFromAttr.
Load the given Template file (HTML) into the DOM tree. The Template is hidden and loaded using display: none.
Load the given HTML/SVG file into the DOM tree. The content of the file is loaded into a DIV which is set to display: none and then appended to document.body.
This PlainObject is used as registry for the template DOM nodes by name.