This is an 'abstract' class which can be used to render a map with one of its two implementations:

Both can be used almost in the same way, they are only differentiated by some particularities of their libraries.


new CUI.Map

map = new CUI.LeafletMap(options)
# ...or...
map = new CUI.GoogleMap(options)


  • center PlainObject (default: { lat: 0, lng: 0 })
    • lat: Number
    • lng: Number
  • zoom Number (default 10)
  • markersOptions [PlainObject] (see options in .addMarker method)
  • clickable Boolean (default: true)
  • selectedMarkerLabel String
  • selectedMarkerPosition PlainObject
    • lat: Number
    • lng: Number
  • selectedMarkerOptions PlainObject
  • zoomToFitAllMarkersOnInit Boolean (default: false)
  • onClick Function
  • onZoomEnd Function
  • onMoveEnd Function
  • onReady Function

If zoomToFitAllMarkersOnInit is true and map has markers, zoom and center will be ignored.


  • options PlainObject
    • position PlainObject
      • lat: Number
      • lng: Number

position is the only one mandatory, the rest are optional. The rest of the options depends in each library.


  • optionsArray [PlainObject]
    • position PlainObject
      • lat: Number
      • lng: Number

Invoke .addMaker for each options inside optionsArray array.


  • marker Marker

It removes a marker. Marker is the class of the Library, for example google.maps.Marker for google maps.

.getSelectedMarkerPosition() : position

  • position PlainObject
    • lat: Number
    • lng: Number

Get an object with the latitude and longitude of the selected marker. If there is not a marker selected returns undefined.


  • position PlainObject
    • lat: Number
    • lng: Number

Set the latitude and longitude for the selected marker.


Hide all the markers registered.


Show all the markers registered.


Increases zoom


Decreases zoom

.getZoom() : Number

It returns the current zoom value.

.setZoom(zoom) :

  • zoom Number

It changes the current zoom value.


Set the latitude and longitude of the center. The parameter position may vary between a PlainObject or a specify class, depending setCenter implementation. Leaflet implementation accepts a second parameter, which is the zoom.


Returns the latitude and longitude of the center.

New map implementation

In order to create a new map implementation, it's necessary to override the following methods.

  • .getSelectedMarkerPosition() : position
  • .setSelectedMarkerPosition(position)
  • .hideMarkers()
  • .showMarkers()

Also, it's needed to override the following private methods:

.__buildMap() : newMapClass

This method must create and return the new map instance.

newMapClass is the class of the new map implementation.

For example: For Google Maps the class is google.maps.Map

You can access to this map instance with @__map

.__buildMarker(options) : newMarkerClass

This method must create and return the new marker instance.

newMarkerClass is the class of the new marker implementation.

options is a PlainObject with all the options passed when a marker is added with .addMarker(options)

For example: For Google Maps the class is google.maps.Marker

.__getMapClassName() : className

className is the map container class.


This method must add the newMarkerClass inside the @__map


This method should bind a click event in @__map to handle it, but it's optional.

.__addCustomOption(markerOptions, key, value)

If there is options with the prefix 'cui_' when a marker is added, those options will not be mapped and this method is called instead, so you can add a different behaviour instead of plain mapping.

.__afterMarkerCreated(marker, options)

It's called after a marker is instantiated.

Current implementations


CUI.GoogleMap.defaults.google_api.key = "<GOOGLE_API_KEY>"
CUI.GoogleMap.defaults.google_api.language = 'en' # (optional, default: 'en')

Custom options

cui_content HTMLDOMElement | String

It's used to show an infoWindow when the marker is clicked.


Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library, so you don't need an api key as GoogleMap. However, It's possible to use different Tile layers.

As default, It's using OpenStreetMap, but you can change it easily.

For example, if you want to use Mapbox:

CUI.LeafletMap.defaults.tileLayerUrl: '{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={accessToken}'
    accessToken: "<MAPBOX_TOKEN>",
    attribution: "<ATTRIBUTION_HTML_HERE>",
    maxZoom: 20,
    id: 'mapbox.streets',

Custom options

cui_onClick Function

This function is called when the marker is clicked. It receives the event as parameter. It's possible to access to the marker options with

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